PTO Meeting Minutes: 2/7/2022, 6:10PM-6:40PM

Friday February 25th, PTO will provide breakfast for Middle School faculty & staff. We will send around a SignUpGenius by Monday Feb. 14th for items and offer Venmo contribution. All extra funds will be used to stock the faculty & staff lounge. 

Courtney will continue to take the lead with Spirit Rising initiatives and will coordinate the Easter basket drive. 

It was suggested that we send out a survey to current parents regarding PTO. What is best time of day for meetings? Would you rather meet in-person or via Zoom? What level of involvement are you looking for? ETC. 

An upcoming event to keep on the radar for volunteer opportunities include the April 22nd Earth Day/Community Clean Up event as well as a parent social/meetup. A SignUpGenius will go around closer to April 22nd for PTO involvement.

As we were sharing ideas for a parent meet up, Jess mentioned having a relationship with Christine the owner at Wasserhund Brewery. Jess reached out to her after our PTO meeting, and we can host a Friends School night there and they will donate 30% of proceeds back to the school. This event wasn’t meant to be a fundraiser but it’s working out so easily to raise money AND get parents socializing at an adult only event. Anna will coordinate follow up details with Christine. 

It was suggested that we host a few meetups out in the community that coincide with volunteerism. We will revisit the list of past partnerships and start reaching out to those organizations to rebuild our relationships and find family friendly opportunities for outreach.

We discussed the coffee & yoga meets on alternating Fridays. It was mentioned that we should rotate a few different coffee shops to pique interest. Also, we are hopeful that as the weather changes and we can move yoga outside, we will get more parent involvement. 

Our next meeting will be held IN-PERSON on Monday March 14th at 6:00PM. Location to be determined. 


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