Happy Halloween Friends!

What an amazing Spirit Week we’ve had! It has been amazing to see VBFS students (and parents) embrace the “spirit” of Spirit Week! As we look to the weekend, we hope all Friends School families have a wonderful, safe Halloween. Remember, there are no classes on Monday, November 1st as this is Parent/Teacher Conference day. Friends School parents if you have any questions regarding your conference or conference time, please email or call your teacher directly. You can also reach out to Sandra Fink, Academic Dean, at [email protected].

Have an amazing Halloween, Friends! See all the important Need-to-Knows for the coming week below as well as some pictures from Spirit Week.

All the best,

Head of School

In need of a tutor, or do you know someone in need of a tutor?
Teacher Dafna has started her own tutoring business on her off hours from Friends School. For those parents who do not know, Teacher Dafna is our amazing 3rd/4th Grade Teacher. Below you will find Dafna’s contact information. Dafna does a wonderful job working with students of all ages.
Website- teacherdafna.com
Grades K-8 Reading/Writing
Math- K-6
Hours- Saturdays 9-4 at VBFS
Cell # 757-572-6391

Quakerism in Action
The Middle School Quakerism in Action class has started a snack store selling chips, drinks and other goodies during lunchtime on Tuesdays and Thursdays (in the breezeway). The students are raising money for charity to include the Mattaponi children’s Christmas. If you are interested in supporting these efforts, please send a few buck$ to school with your children so they can make a purchase at the snack store!

Special Thanks to Early School Parents!
From the entire VBFS faculty and staff, we’d like to send a special thanks to the Early School parents for stocking the Faculty Room this past week with incredible food treats. From soda to goodie bags to coffee and more, thank you parents for helping sustain our teachers during the academic week.

Middle School Basketball Announcement
VBFS is hoping to offer Middle School basketball this winter. There will be an information session this coming Monday, November 1 at 5:00 via Zoom (https://us04web.zoom.us/j/76556105011?pwd=dnlaQ0YxSitvZEpicDZEOGxZU1RuUT09). The information meeting will discuss COVID guidelines and the plans for what the season will look like based on COVID limitations.

The school is also looking for a volunteer assistant coach to work with Danny Grondin, VBFS Middle School History Teacher/Facilities Manager and former JJV Basketball Coach. If you are interested, please email Jason Weast, Athletic Director, at [email protected]

First Adventures at Friends!
First Adventures at Friends is in full swing! Sarah Combs, Director of First Adventures and Executive Assistant, is finishing up the final week of the Fall Sessions, and rolling right into the 6 Week Holiday Sessions! Capacity was set at 6 students and we are already fully enrolled so have decided to add extra sessions to allow for additional enrollment. Make sure to register and reserve your child’s spot before the additional sessions are full! Each session will feature a different curriculum. Cooking, gardening, yoga, library, and art will be introduced and special holiday features will be introduced! Come join in on the fun! MORE INFO & REGISTRATION!

Make-up Picture Day
Proofs and order forms from the September 30th picture day went home this week. Make-up picture day will be on November 3rd.

Upcoming PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) Meeting
November 8th @ 6pm

If out sick, don’t forget, SchoolCues!
If a child is out sick, VBFS parents must fill out the absentee form in schoolcues, and the covid screening tool in schoolcues for all sick absences.

Happy Halloween!

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