Happy Friday Friends,

This past week, Daylight Savings had us seeing blurry-eyed students. In the school world, Daylight Savings is the final mile marker as we look to June and summer. With longer and warmer days ahead of us, Spring has truly sprung at Friends School. Woot! Woot!

With Covid-19 settling down, our world is opening up. For VBFS, this means being able to see children’s faces. For many adults on campus, we have had to relearn names and faces as masks have been removed. Moving forward, some students may experience the same phenomenon. All VBFS community members are now in a mask optional status (see below for more information). It’s true, school is beginning to look and feel like school again.

As our world seemingly returns to feeling more “normal,” VBFS will begin to feel more normal too. This coming Tuesday, the school is hosting a fun Community Social at Wasserhaund Brewery on Tuesday night. We hope to see you there. The event runs from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm. While we know many parents now have after-school sports obligations, if you have a moment, stop by and say hello! VBFS parents will begin to see a number of more typical school social events this spring as we continue to build community in a post-Covid world.

Finally, this coming week there will be no school on Friday, March 25  for a Faculty Professional Development Day. On this day, the school will be working on its VAIS accreditation self-study and teachers will be finalizing grades and comments for Parent-Teacher Conferences on Friday, April 1, another no school day.

Below are other important Need-to-Knows!

Have a wonderful weekend,

Head of School


Mask Update:
This past week during an all VAIS Head of School Zoom call, a large majority of VAIS Heads of School shared their institutions have moved to mask optional for all community members. New Virginia Department of Health regulations allow for schools in areas with low community spread of Covid-19 (which Virginia Beach currently is one) to offer masking based on personal preference. VBFS is now a mask optional community for adults (including faculty and staff) and students. However, the school reserves the right to alter this policy depending on community Covid-19 transmission rates and any possible future directives from VDH or the CDC.

Parent-Teacher Conferences on April 1, Childcare Option:
The school will be offering childcare in the library on conference day for parents to drop their children off while they are in conferences. This is not full-day childcare, only during conferences.

Co-curricular Update:
Enrollment for co-curriculars and other classes are very close to being full, so make sure to register as soon as possible via SchoolCues. The Art Club for Early Childhood is already full.

Summer Camps:
Summer fun at Friends School is here. Summer camps at Friends are filling up quickly so register ASAP.

Spirit Rising Easter Baskets:
The school will be creating 75 Easter baskets for Spirit Rising. This is an annual tradition. VBFS families looking to participate can sign-up at the below link. All items are due by April 1 at the end of the school day. Monetary contributions can be made via Venmo to @courtney-grew (last four digits 0062) or checks can be dropped off to Roberta in the front office made out to Pat Glass.

March PTO Meeting
The focus of the March meeting was on the Spirit Rising Easter basket initiative, upcoming Teacher Appreciation Week, the Earth Day event, and the end of year Day of Giving celebration. Meeting minutes can be read here.

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