“Wherever there is a human being, there is an opportunity for kindness.”
- Lucius Seneca
Join Friends School on our journey in spreading kindness! Our “FRIENDship Rock” initiative allows our children to explore social and emotional learning lessons by spreading kind and inspirational messages throughout our community. Children at the school paint colorful rocks that include words of encouragement and leave their beautifully painted rocks in different locations including the park, playground, beach or maybe even on the streets of their very own neighborhoods! Each “FRIENDship Rock” will have #VBFS painted on it so that you know it comes from the kind hearts of the children at Friends School.
Be on the lookout for a “FRIENDship Rock” from Friends School and be sure to tag @friendsschoolvb and #VBFS on social platforms! We will be tracking how far our “FRIENDship Rocks” travel and how they have brightened the days of others. One message at just the right moment has the power to impact someone’s entire day, outlook, and life. Remember, kindness matters!
Our “FRIENDship Rock” Garden here on the Friends School campus is a colorful place to enjoy a mindful moment and to spread kindness. The children are encouraged to add painted rocks to the garden or to take a rock and leave it somewhere in the community for another person to discover. Check out our “FRIENDship Rock” Garden gallery!