Using Google Slides for Remote Learning Units in Google Classroom

This transition has been a huge adjustment for most of us, and the thought of not being able to continue my curriculum the way I had planned was a tough thought to manage. I had been scouring the net for tutorials on ways to incorporate my pdf worksheets, that I would normally use in the classroom, into an editable resource on Google Classroom. I finally came upon this awesome video that was able to make all my teacher worksheet dreams come true! This may sound like a lot of work to do, and I would love to say that I devoted hours into creating my Google Slides, but honestly it is one of the easiest ways to provide resources to students on a remote learning platform. 

I am going to put an awesome tutorial that was helpful in guiding me through the process down below. Feel free to peruse the net to find other ways of promoting your resources to students during the remote learning period. This clip is provided by Naomi Meredith on YouTube, she has an entire catalog of super helpful videos that may be of interest, and may take you down a rabbithole of teacher hacks! I hope you can use this info to help you navigate your Google Classroom and use all the capabilities it has to suit your teaching needs.

PDF to Google Slide for Google Classroom

Courtney Grew
VBFS Librarian

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